Friday, 22 January 2010

How to ruin her birthday...

Women usually have a knack for remembering dates, such as anniversaries, special occasions and birthdays. Men on the other hand…don't. There might be a man that has God-like memory powers, but they are rare. If you want to sleep on the couch in the near future, just ruin her birthday. Here are the quickest ways to do that:


The quickest and surest way to ruin her birthday is to forget about it. Don't buy a gift and don't mention it, and you're well on your way to the fight of your life. It's in your better interest to mark her birthday on a calendar, one you look at often, in order to prevent this sort of disaster from happening.

Buy a Dumb Gift

You've probably heard horror stories of the guy who bought his wife a vacuum cleaner for their anniversary. If you want to ruin her birthday, try buying her a power tool you've been coveting for six months or tickets to the big game. She'll assume (rightly) that you are a selfish boor, and only think of yourself. Next stop: the couch. Do not pass Go, do not collect…well…anything.

Invite Someone to Her Party She Doesn't Like

If you want to ruin her birthday, invite someone to her party that she's uncomfortable around. For instance, if you really want to ruin her birthday, invite one of your ex girlfriends to the party or someone she's feuding with.

Remember, just because you like the person, doesn't mean she does. And it is her birthday, so why not try to invite people she likes?

Treat Her to a McDonalds

If your motto is, "Go cheap or go home," there is a very good chance you're going to ruin your woman's birthday in the near future. Do not, under any circumstances, take her to McDonalds or Burger King for her birthday. She wants to feel special and loved, and these particular eating establishments do not ooze that atmosphere. Sure, a Big Mac might taste great going down, and your wallet will appreciate you, but your woman will not. Take her out somewhere nice. Show her how special she is and you won't regret it.

A woman's birthday is important to them. They expect you to remember, and the very act of forgetting is seen as a sign that they're not important enough to you, to remember. Don't make the mistakes found in this article. Some of them are tempting, but deep down you really don't want to ruin her birthday, do you?

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