Saturday, 23 January 2010

Have you tried online dating yet?

Many people refer to dating as a game. It's understandable. I mean, you go out and try to figure out in a few hours whether or not the man or woman sitting across the table from you is worth going out with again. People in the dating game make up elaborate plans in order to boost their success rate, while trying to figure out the right place to find a suitable mate. No wonder people call it the dating game!

Yet there is a relatively new piece in the dating game, and that piece is the Internet. Now, more than ever, people can sit in the comfort of their own home, browse profiles, chat online and get an idea of what the other person is like, just by asking a few questions.

The Internet is fast becoming the best place to find suitable single people. Millions of singles are hooking up and building successful relationships over the Internet. However, if you're looking to find a suitable single guy or gal over the Internet, there are a few things you should keep in mind.


Sure a profile is great, and most people assume they're accurate, but this isn't always the case. People can lie better over the net, than they could in person. It's important that you keep your profile up to date, and keep in mind that the one you're viewing on your glowing computer screen might not be as honest as you think.


There are successful long distance relationships, but they are more likely to fail. The stresses of driving back and forth, plus the added strain of not being able to see each other very often, take their toll. In most cases, it's far better to find someone online who is close to you.


The guy or gal, who you're talking to, may be a veritable beauty queen or George Clooney look-a-like, but do they share any of your interests? If you'd like to win the jackpot in the dating game, you may want to make sure they share at least a few interests that you do. Chat with them, find out what they like to do in their spare time, and you'll get a better idea of what kind of person they are, and whether or not you're compatible as a couple.

If you use good judgment, ask questions and be discerning when it comes to online personalities, you can win the dating game and find suitable single people every time.

Here's the best way to ruin any date easily

You've been out on a few dates recently, but none of them seem to be working out. You don't seem to have a problem actually getting the date, but somehow the second date never comes. What are you doing wrong? Are you breaking some kind of dating rule?

Probably. You're probably breaking the biggest date rule of them all; learn how to communicate. Learning how to communicate effectively is the single best way of getting asked out on a second date. Communicating badly, which can be done in several different ways, is a surefire way to mess up any date, regardless of how much thought and effort you've put into trying to make it a success.

What you need to remember when going out on a date is that you want the other person to get a better idea of the kind of person you are, without talking too much or too little. People who talk about themselves too much, are a real turn off. Not only that, but they're annoying. For some people it's in their nature to talk about themselves, and yet other people babble, because they're nervous, which is natural. Instead, get the other person to talk about himself or herself, and maintain some mystery. By doing this, the other person will want a second date, just to learn more about you.

Talking too little is another surefire way to mess up any date. Your dating partner doesn't want to go out on a date with a manikin! They want you to talk, make them laugh and they want to get a little insight into who you are and what you're all about. Make it easier for them, and open up a little.

People love to laugh. Laughter is infectious, and sexy. This doesn't mean you have to be the next Chris Rock, it just means you should try to loosen up and enjoy yourself. Tell your date a few funny stories or a joke to liven things up a bit. If you can make him or her laugh, you're half way to getting a second date.

Just remember to be yourself. A surefire way to mess up any date is to be a fake, which is another communication problem. Be confident, slightly mysterious and make them laugh. Those are the keys to any successful date and the path towards a second.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Do you really know your partner?

Most people keep their true selves hidden, especially when they want to impress someone. This fact has a way of biting people in the butts when dating. You meet a guy or girl, both are looking for a relationship, and it's only natural that you want to show off your polished attributes while hiding your more tarnished side. After all, when you're first meeting a possible romantic partner, you don't want them to know that you roll your socks up into balls, or leave the toilet seat up after you've gone to the bathroom.

However, some people are better at hiding their true selves than others. Sometimes you can be in a committed relationship before you learn that your partner has some unsavory attributes that he or she had successfully kept hidden until now. While leaving the toilet seat up might be mildly annoying, the fact that your new live-in partner likes to punch holes in walls or fling ashtrays at your head when angry, isn't something that can be passed off as annoying.

There are a few ways that you can test their personality before you commit. For instance, watch how they react when under stress. Most people can keep their true selves under wraps when everything is right in the world, but can't maintain the mirage when under strain. Watch carefully how they react when angry, sad, annoyed or upset. In most cases, this is when their true colors will come shining through.

You can also watch how they treat the people around them. Does your new boyfriend treat his mom like a queen? Does your new girlfriend maliciously gossip about everyone when hanging out with her friends? If so, you can bet your bottom dollar that this is an indication of what they are like when not trying to impress someone.

You can also watch how they interact with strangers. Suppose you go out to a restaurant for a bite to eat, and the waiter brings them an order of shrimp, instead of the clams they originally ordered. Do they react angrily? Or do they just shrug it off, make a joke, and wait calmly for the waiter to fix their order? If they are a jerk over something so easily corrected, how are they going to be with you, if you screw something up? Everyone makes mistakes, but ideally you want a partner that's going to be understanding, and not over-react.

The bottom line is, that people have a hard time pretending to be something their not, when the going gets rough. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and you want to make sure that when the going gets rough…your partner isn't a jerk. By watching their actions and reactions before hand, you can spy out potential relationship ending problems that will crop up in the future.

How to ruin her birthday...

Women usually have a knack for remembering dates, such as anniversaries, special occasions and birthdays. Men on the other hand…don't. There might be a man that has God-like memory powers, but they are rare. If you want to sleep on the couch in the near future, just ruin her birthday. Here are the quickest ways to do that:


The quickest and surest way to ruin her birthday is to forget about it. Don't buy a gift and don't mention it, and you're well on your way to the fight of your life. It's in your better interest to mark her birthday on a calendar, one you look at often, in order to prevent this sort of disaster from happening.

Buy a Dumb Gift

You've probably heard horror stories of the guy who bought his wife a vacuum cleaner for their anniversary. If you want to ruin her birthday, try buying her a power tool you've been coveting for six months or tickets to the big game. She'll assume (rightly) that you are a selfish boor, and only think of yourself. Next stop: the couch. Do not pass Go, do not collect…well…anything.

Invite Someone to Her Party She Doesn't Like

If you want to ruin her birthday, invite someone to her party that she's uncomfortable around. For instance, if you really want to ruin her birthday, invite one of your ex girlfriends to the party or someone she's feuding with.

Remember, just because you like the person, doesn't mean she does. And it is her birthday, so why not try to invite people she likes?

Treat Her to a McDonalds

If your motto is, "Go cheap or go home," there is a very good chance you're going to ruin your woman's birthday in the near future. Do not, under any circumstances, take her to McDonalds or Burger King for her birthday. She wants to feel special and loved, and these particular eating establishments do not ooze that atmosphere. Sure, a Big Mac might taste great going down, and your wallet will appreciate you, but your woman will not. Take her out somewhere nice. Show her how special she is and you won't regret it.

A woman's birthday is important to them. They expect you to remember, and the very act of forgetting is seen as a sign that they're not important enough to you, to remember. Don't make the mistakes found in this article. Some of them are tempting, but deep down you really don't want to ruin her birthday, do you?

When's the last time you did a health check on your relationship?

Is your relationship creaking along, with neither you nor your partner being satisfied? Does your relationship need a tune up? If you're unsure of the answer that may signal you need to rethink how your relationship works. However, here are a few signs that your relationship does need a tune up.

Do You Talk?

It's important to stay in touch with your partner. Ask them how their day was, see if they have any amusing stories or just shoot the crap about a recent news story you heard. It doesn't really matter what you talk about, as long as you still enjoy each other's company. If you or your partner don't talk very much, it's likely your relationship needs a tune up.

Are You Restless?

In most relationships, couples tend to fall into a routine. Over time they forget what it was that attracted them to their partner in the first place. Restaurant's, dancing, moonlit walks and candlelight become a distant dream.

If you're feeling restless, irritable or as if you're missing out on something, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship. It's important for couples to continue to date, even though they have been together for months, years or decades. Give your relationship a tune up, by getting back to your romantic roots every now and again.


If you can't even be in the same room as your partner without walking on eggshells or breaking a few eggs verbally, you may need a relationship tune up. Many couples avoid conflict by saving up real or perceived hurts, instead of being open and honest with one another. Over time, this leads to resentment, and arguments.

It's important to talk to your partner, and take each others feelings into consideration, even though you might not agree with them. Failing to do this is almost sure to lead to a relationship meltdown.


If you're starting to look at other men or women, and wondering what it would be like to date them, your relationship needs a serious tune up. You need to figure out immediately why you're feeling this way and fix it pronto, before your wandering eyes lead to infidelity.

If you recognize one or more of these signs in your relationship, it's time to get a tune up before it's too late. If you care about your partner, don't let your relationship crash and burn.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

5 Date Ideas That Won't Cost You a Penny!

Are you running a little low on cash, but still want to impress a woman? Wouldn't five date ideas that wouldn't cost a penny be extremely helpful, right about now? Of course they would. Even if you were loaded with cash, five date ideas that wouldn't cost you a penny would be helpful! Below you'll find just that.

First Date Idea

Take a walk on the beach. The very idea of a romantic walk on the beach, the moon riding high in the sky while the surf pounds in, will give almost any woman a shiver of delight. Better yet, it won't cost you a single penny!

Second Date Idea

Find the highest point in your city, and watch the stars. If you own a telescope, you could even bring that along. You and your date could watch for falling stars streaking the night skies or just enjoy each others company, while the stars glitter in the sky above. It will also give you a great opportunity to talk.

Third Date Idea

Go for a hike. If you live near a trail system, you're set up for this great date idea. You could pack a picnic with the food you already have in your cupboards and refrigerator, and wow her with you thoughtfulness. You could also bike the trail, if you prefer. Along the way, you'll see some fantastic sights, be able to enjoy the great outdoors and have a fantastic chance to talk to each other. What more could you possibly want for just the cost of food you already have?

Fourth Date Idea

This may sound cheesy, but I would bet your date would find it hilarious and entertaining. Set up your own puppet show or skit. You can use things you already own, such as old fabric, socks or scraps of wood. Be creative, take the time to jot down some ideas, and away you go. You could even spruce it up some, by taking your show on the road. Set up a romantic campfire in your backyard and dazzle her with your creative genius!

Fifth Date Idea

Read some romantic poetry by candlelight. Create a circle with the candles, and have her sit in the center of your circle with you. She'll soon be snuggling in your lap, and lauding your sensitivity, and it won't cost you a single penny.

Now that you're armed with five great date ideas that won't cost a penny, what are you waiting for? Go get her, Tiger!

3 Tips for a Long Lasting Relationship

After a certain point in their lives, most women are wise enough to realize that the perfect Hollywood-movie style relationship doesn’t exist in real life. Yes, it would be great if every relationship was completely free of trust issues, and it would be fantastic if you just never fought with your man. Wake up, because it’s a dream that’s never going to happen. While your life might not be a Hollywood movie (if only!), there are some things you can do to help smooth the path to relationship perfection.

1. Know When To Speak Up… And When To Shut Up…

Confrontation can be a bitch, it’s true, but if there is a serious issue that is bothering you, and that may cause problems in your relationship in future, you should say something. Let your guy know what’s up, and hopefully the problem can be fixed. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind – just think of the benefits that may be reaped.

On the other hand, you don’t have to say everything that’s on your mind. Does your guy have some annoying habits that bug you? Maybe he unconsciously hums while he reads, or maybe he’s a foot tapper. You don’t have to make every tiny thing an issue. Vent to your best girlfriend about your guy’s freakish habits, and then shut up and let it go.

2. Don’t Become Siamese Twins

Couples who are attached at the hip 24/7 are doomed to fail, not to mention extremely obnoxious to be around. It’s great that you want to spend time with your significant other, but don’t overdo it. For one thing, your friends, who want to hang out with you, not the you-plus-boyfriend combo, are sure to get annoyed – and you will want to keep your friends around to rant to when your man starts getting on your nerves.

Aside from alienating your friends, a Siamese-twin-relationship may eventually sap the desire from your relationship. When you see your guy all the time, it’s not a big deal when you get to have dinner together, or spend the whole day in bed with him on Sunday. Leading your own lives is the key to keeping a relationship hot and exciting.

3. The Three Little Words

There are three words that are essential to making every healthy relationship work and no, they are not “I love you.” Try “I am sorry” instead. If you screwed up, be it by scratching his favorite CD or simply saying something hurtful (know when to shut up!), suck it up and apologize. But you shouldn’t be the only one apologizing. If your man messes up – and of course he does – you should be hearing those three little words coming from his lips.

You shouldn’t be the only one following these three golden rules to relationship bliss. Get your man on board – just leave this article lying around the house, with key passages highlighted. He’ll get the point. With both of you following these tips, your relationship will be on the path to perfection.

3 Ancient Dating Ideas for You

Are you tired of rehashing the same old dating ideas? Do you want to try something different, something creative, fun and full of laughter? If so, all you have to do is revisit the ancient world. Today, we're fascinated with technology, theatres, fancy restaurants and loud bars. However, something can be said for simplicity and romance. Below you'll find 3 ancient date ideas that you can use in the modern world.

The Tree Date

You can't get any more old school than sitting in a tree. The only difference is you don't have to worry about predators looking to eat your butt! If you're a handy man or woman, this date idea is perfect.

Using some wood, create your own love nest in the bow of a tree. You can use a tree in your backyard or look for one in a forest near you. The tree house doesn't have to be elaborate to be romantic and you don't have to be Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor to build it either.

Once you've built it, stock it with an icebox, some lanterns and a few blankets. The next time you're looking for a cheap but romantic date, take your man or woman to your tree house. It's guaranteed to impress.


Let's face it; medieval is cool. If you take out the raping, pillaging and constant threat of disease, the medieval world is a great place to get some dating ideas.

There are plenty of restaurants that cater to the medieval world. You can dress up as a damsel or knight, fight with wooden swords and drink from dented metal chalices. You could even create your own medieval world, right at home. You could rent a costume, or make one yourself.

Indian Dating

The third ancient dating idea is borrowed from the Indians. I'm sure you've seen pictures of the teepee. Why not take your date out for a hike, and build a lean-to? It's easy enough to do, as any boy scout will tell you. Once you've built the lean-to, build a fire. You could even go so far as creating your own rain dance! Roast marshmallows by the light of your flickering campfire, sip some wine and have an amazing time.

These three ancient dating ideas are sure to bedazzle any date. You'll look creative, handy and fun!

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

How to make sure your conversation flows on a first date

A first date can be extremely awkward. Both of you are nervous and trying to make a good first impression. Maybe you're not the most confident person either, which makes keeping the conversation flowing a bit more difficult. When people become nervous and unsure of themselves, they tend to clam up, believing that it's better to say nothing at all, than it is to say something and look stupid.

However, clamming up doesn't work either. Sure, you might not look stupid, but you'll still look boring. The man or woman sitting across from you will think there is no chemistry between you, and the second date will be a distant fantasy. Wouldn't you like to avoid this eventuality and know how to keep a first date conversation flowing?


You don't have to get your date drunk in order to loosen their tongues a bit. You shouldn't get drunk either. Nothing is worse than getting punch drunk, saying something stupid or looking like a complete moron on the first date. But you can enjoy a glass of wine together, and use the alcohol to relax.

Add to this, a nice quiet, unthreatening atmosphere, such as a romantic restaurant and some candlelight, and you've got a recipe for success. If you want to keep a first date conversation flowing, keep some wine flowing as well!

Questions Answered

The best way to keep a the conversation flowing is to ask questions. Ask your date what he or she does for a living, what their interests and hobbies are or what they like to do to relax. You'll get to know more about them, maybe get an idea for a second date and the conversation will flow naturally.

You also need to look interested, when your date answers your questions. Don't yawn, stretch, break eye contact to look at another guy or woman and never wear a bland expression. When they answer your questions, follow up with another one or add a tid bit of your own. Your questions will surely lead to them questioning you to, so be ready for that. Choose topics that you feel comfortable answering. By asking questions first, you can control the path of the conversation somewhat, so use this to your advantage.

There you have it. Keeping the conversation flowing on a first date is as easy as that. When you're out on your next date, be sure to keep these two handy dating tips foremost in your mind, and you're sure to be successful when conversing. Don't let another date dwindle into the realm of awkward silences and rejection.